All athletes must pass technical inspection with their race equipment. This technical inspection is mandatory and all equipment must be presented in race ready condition. Athletes that fail the technical inspection must solve the issue before their race in order to compete.
- Track bike required
- Drop handlebar required
- Lock-ring required
- Timing chip required (provided by RHC at check-in)
- Aero number required (provided by RHC at check-in)
- Traditionally spoked wheels required (no TT wheels)
- Clipless pedals required
- Clincher, Tubular, or Tubeless tires are permitted
- Bike mounted cameras are permitted
- Brakes prohibited
- Lights and reflectors prohibited
- Fixed-gear conversions prohibited
- Pedal/toe straps prohibited
Recommendations and bike setup notes
- A reasonable gear ratio should be used. 48×14 for men and 49×15 for women is a good starting point. Excessively large gear ratios are not recommended
- The RHC can feature imperfect and dirty circuit surfaces. 25mm or wider tires with sealant for flat protection are recommended
- Tubular tires must be properly glued. Tubular tape is not recommended
- All components must be in safe mechanical condition. Do not attempt to race with worn out and dangerous parts
- The drivetrain (chain, chainring, lockring, cog, pedals, shoes, and cleats) must be in top condition
- Make sure your timing chip is installed correctly. We are not able to score without it
- The rear wheel must sit entirely in the rear dropout. If it does not you must shorten your chain
- Make sure your rear wheel is tight. Most mechanical DNF’s in the RHC are due to the rear wheel shifting at the start
- Handlebars must be taped and plugged

- Cycling helmet (US DOT, CPSC standard, European CEN Certified) required
- Cycling jersey and bib shorts or skinsuit (kit) required
- Bib number required (provided by RHC at check-in)
- Athletes must wear kits that match their team identity
- Kit design between teammates may feature slight variations but must follow a recognizable team identity
- Kit design may change between events
- Athletes are prohibited from wearing ‘championship’ kits from other cycling events
- The current points leader must wear the RHC skinsuit during all competition (provided by RHC)
- Sleeveless jerseys prohibited
- Headphones prohibited
- Chest-mounted cameras prohibited
- Teams are limited to (6) athletes
- Teams with more than (6) athletes must create a B team
- A and B teams must have clearly different visual features on their kit and bikes
- Teams may change athletes between series events
- An athlete’s team points are not transferable