In the history of the RHC, athletes from 11 different nationalities have taken victories .
The United States has by far the most wins and the most amount of different winners

18 United States (Kacey Lloyd, Neil Bezdek, Dan Chabanov, Colin Strickland, Ash Duban, Jo Celso, Evan Murphy, Colleen Gullick)
7 Spain (Jonander Ortundo, Ainara Elbusto, Ivan Cortina)
6 Italy (Ivan Ravaioli, Rachele Barbieri, Filippo Fortin, Maria Sperotto)
2 Germany (Stefan Schafer)
2 Netherlands (Stefan Vis, David van Eerd)
2 Romania (Eduard Grosu)
1 Canada (Raphaele Lemieux)
1 France (Thibaud Lhenry)
1 Guatemala (Julio Padilla)
1 Puerto Rico (William Guzman)
1 Great Britain (Dani King)
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