Between the qualifying races and finals there were an incredible 8191 laps raced at speed around the new 1km circuit in Brooklyn. The new format, which gave everyone multiple chances to compete, resulted several thousand more completed laps than any previous RHC in history. Despite the massive increase in racing we treated a dozen fewer riders than last year in the medical tent. Overall the new circuit layout worked and the overall experience and skill of the track bike crit peloton is rapidly increasing. Crashes unfortunately will always be a part of racing but they can statistically be reduced.
Healing vibes to those that did go down on Saturday. We know these stats don’t make it hurt any less. As always important lessons were learned to improve safety further. We were happy and relieved to see Martino back at the circuit to watch the finals after this hard crash in heat 1.
#redhookcrit #rhcbk11 .
ph: @tornanti_cc