Red Hook Crit

We are working on details for a Red Hook Criterium training session at the legendary Herne Hill Velodrome on the Friday morning before the crit (July 21). More info soon The Herne Hill Velodrome was built in 1891 and is one of the oldest tracks in the world. We are honored to have the opportunity to access another historic venue. ph: @designdefined #redhookcrit #hernehill #hernehillveldorome #rhcl3

We are working on details for a Red Hook Criterium training session at the legendary Herne Hill Velodrome on the Friday morning before the crit (July 21). More info soon The Herne Hill Velodrome was built in 1891 and is one of the oldest tracks in the world. We are honored to have the opportunity to access another historic venue. ph: @designdefined #redhookcrit #hernehill #hernehillveldorome #rhcl3

We are working on details for a Red Hook Criterium training session at the legendary Herne Hill Velodrome on the Friday morning before the crit (July 21). More info soon

The Herne Hill Velodrome was built in 1891 and is one of the oldest tracks in the world. We are honored to have the opportunity to access another historic venue. 
ph: @designdefined