We are changing up the Rockstar Games Top Antagonist award in 2017. At each race this year we will have a different set of rules on how it's scored. Gone is the arbitrary system that required us to guess the winner. For Brooklyn the athlete who has the highest cumulative

We are changing up the Rockstar Games Top Antagonist award in 2017. At each race this year we will have a different set of rules on how it's scored. Gone is the arbitrary system that required us to guess the winner. For Brooklyn the athlete who has the highest cumulative position (based on points) across the line for the first 5 laps of the race will take it. Rockstar Games is increasing the prize money and Castelli Cycling will make a custom skinsuit for the winner to wear at the next round. We can’t wait to see how this plays out. Ph: @tornanti_cc #redhookcrit #rhcbk10 #rockstargames #topantagonist #castellicycling #critweek