Red Hook Crit

The Red Hook Criterium Barcelona No.5 prize bike These custom Specialized Langsters with Fast Forward Wheels will be awarded to the winners this Saturday night in Barcelona! Assembled by the top mechanics at My Beautiful Parking. Design by @jonahbirns #redhookcrit #rhcbcn5 #iamspecialized #ffwdwheels #mybeautifulparking

The Red Hook Criterium Barcelona No.5 prize bike These custom Specialized Langsters with Fast Forward Wheels will be awarded to the winners this Saturday night in Barcelona! Assembled by the top mechanics at My Beautiful Parking. Design by @jonahbirns #redhookcrit #rhcbcn5 #iamspecialized #ffwdwheels #mybeautifulparking

The Red Hook Criterium Barcelona No.5 prize bike

These custom Specialized Langsters with Fast Forward Wheels will be awarded to the winners this Saturday night in Barcelona! Assembled by the top mechanics at My Beautiful Parking. 
Design by @jonahbirns