The 7th year of the Red Hook Crit finally featured the 1st women’s race. The frigid and endless torrential downpour ensured an unforgettable (and miserable) experience Every brave competitor who started that day can be proud to have launched a new era in the toughest conditions possible ph: @groovylab #redhookcrit #rhcwomen #rhcclassic #rhcbk7 #rhcbk10

The 7th year of the Red Hook Crit finally featured the 1st women’s race. The frigid and endless torrential downpour ensured an unforgettable (and miserable) experience Every brave competitor who started that day can be proud to have launched a new era in the toughest conditions possible ph: @groovylab #redhookcrit #rhcwomen #rhcclassic #rhcbk7 #rhcbk10