Tanja Erath showed up to Brooklyn this year as an outside contender. Her performance was a scathing rebuttal of this dark horse label. She won the first lap prime, the Rockstar Games Top Antagonist award, and finished 8th. After this ride it would be silly for anyone to underestimate Erath. However the label of contender is a much harder one to carry. We’re looking to see how she decides to tackle London. Will she go for the first lap prime again or focus more on the finish of the race? #ridercountdown #redhookcrit #rhcl3

Tanja Erath showed up to Brooklyn this year as an outside contender. Her performance was a scathing rebuttal of this dark horse label. She won the first lap prime, the Rockstar Games Top Antagonist award, and finished 8th. After this ride it would be silly for anyone to underestimate Erath. However the label of contender is a much harder one to carry. We're looking to see how she decides to tackle London. Will she go for the first lap prime again or focus more on the finish of the race? #ridercountdown #redhookcrit #rhcl3