Race applications for the Red Hook Criterium Brooklyn No.10 open on March 7th at 11:00AM EST Due to high demand we are introducing a new application process. We will accept applications from March 7th to March 13th. After applications close we will notify athletes if they are accepted and will send information on how to make payment. Athletes that are not accepted will be notified and put on the waitlist. More details soon As a reminder the guaranteed way to race in Brooklyn is to register for the entire series. #redhookcrit #rhcbk10 #rhcchampseries

Race applications for the Red Hook Criterium Brooklyn No.10 open on March 7th at 11:00AM EST Due to high demand we are introducing a new application process. We will accept applications from March 7th to March 13th. After applications close we will notify athletes if they are accepted and will send information on how to make payment. Athletes that are not accepted will be notified and put on the waitlist. More details soon As a reminder the guaranteed way to race in Brooklyn is to register for the entire series. #redhookcrit #rhcbk10 #rhcchampseries