Neil Bezdek (onboard a Specialized Langster) won the 2nd edition (2009) of the Red Hook Crit with a massive skid across the line to celebrate. The closet challenger (race director David Trimble) was 30 seconds behind just ahead of John Kniesly and Chris Thormann. #redhookcrit #rhcbk10 #rhcclassic ph: @caseykelbaugh

Neil Bezdek (onboard a Specialized Langster) won the 2nd edition (2009) of the Red Hook Crit with a massive skid across the line to celebrate. The closet challenger (race director David Trimble) was 30 seconds behind just ahead of John Kniesly and Chris Thormann. #redhookcrit #rhcbk10 #rhcclassic ph: @caseykelbaugh